Friday, February 21, 2020

Change Management Assignment: How To Deal With Resistance To Change

Article 1
Title: El-Taliawi, O.G., 2018. Resistance to Organizational Change. 2018. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. 

As stated by (El-Taliawi 2018) organizational change can be considered as a phenomenon that has been focused since the past few decades. Most of the organizations in recent times are operating in the environment, which is increasingly complex. The survival strategy, which is applied in their working mainly, depending on the ability to implement changes wherever it is necessary in order to keep pace with the changing demand of the customers. One of the main topics addressed in this change management assignment, which can be stated in the context of managing resistance to change, is the employee. As organization face increasing pressure to adopt to the complex and rapidly changing environment they are directly forced to change and innovate in order to survive. It can be stated here that since employee buys in and ownership of the process of change it has been found to the key aspect or factor, which ensures successful implementation of the initiative of change. It is paramount to take into consideration the causes, which are linked to the resistance of change.

The concept of “resistance” has been equally examined widely from different fields which includes human resources, psychology and even taking up to the concept of physics. According to most of the researchers, change may directly cause responses for example stress and denial, which may lead the employee to resist the change rather than to embrace it. Change management can be noted to be a factor, which includes a change in the forms of thinking or operation of an organization. It can be operation change due to pressure of altering the financial condition of the organization or due to the management aspect relating to fulfilling the requirement of the customers. Change can come in various forms but one of the main factors, which should be linked to the change, is an advantage or financial gain, which can affect the future sustainability factor of working of an organization. Process management can be directly linked to the factor of change due to the reason that if change is deployed in an organization be a process of execution of task also be changing. Both of the concept according to most of the researchers go hand in hand and affect each other in a positive and a negative manner. The requirement of the changing area and dealing with the change in a positive manner becomes one of the crucial factors in an organization-working context. Proper utilization of the resources is another crucial factor, which can be linked to the factor of resistance of change, and in most of the cases, it should be focused that it does not hamper the internal working of the organization.

After analysing this context of change management assignment, it can be stated that resistance to change is one of the main factors, which play a crucial role in most of the organizational working context. The change can divert an organizational working area, which can affect the employee so it can be stated that employee should be always to ready to resist to the change in a proper manner so that sustainability in the working of the organization can be achieved in a proper manner.

Article 2
Vlados, C., 2019. Change Management and Innovation in the living Organization': The Stra. Tech. Man Approach. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(2), pp.229-256.

Change can be considered as a process of transformation in a way that a group, individual or an organization acts as a whole. In this manner the change and the procedure of overall modification it directly simulates and reproduces conflict and resistance. In practice, it can be noted that every form of changes create and disseminates in a way which is multiplicative – to an extent of lesser or greater extent which incorporates the specific actions and thoughts. Change often causes diffusion in a manner of dynamics and content which in turn triggers the spark for a chain of events which are future-orientated which requires to directly manage the arising challenges.

In the area of managing the resistance of change in this context of change management assignment, it can be stated that there are basically four components which are attached to the working. The main factors, which can be stated and plotted below:
  • The value and goals relating to the organization, which would be directly corresponding to the defined goals ad value promoted, form the end of the organization.
  • The system which is linked to the technical aspects should be corresponding to the techniques, knowledge, and technologies required to form the end of the organization
  • The system, which is linked to psychology, should be directly corresponding to the general culture of the organization. This would be taking into consideration the network of roles and relationship and the rules, which directly tie the employee of the organization.
  • The subsystem of the administrative area should directly extend to the organizational responsibility for associating to the working environment of the organization. This factor can be linked to the area of setting up of goals and plans relating to the procedures and structure, which are deployed in the organizational working context.
Although the factors, which are stated above play a significant role in the area of managing of the resistance of change, it can be, stated here that there are various other factors, which play a significant role in the context of the discussion. Innovation is a term, which should be directly linked to the factor of change, which in recent times is playing a very important role. The employee should be willing to adopt the changes in a proper manner so that organizational working changes management can be implemented in a proper manner. The overall management of the organization should be playing an active role in the context of working relating to managing of resistance to change.

The article in the context of change management assignment tried to introduce a new approach, which is conceptual to the change management. Indirectly acknowledged, a transition in the theory of organization related to the change management by examining the different thought so working area, which should be deployed in an organizational working area. Change can come from anywhere but the focus on working should be one of the main parameters, which should be focused. The concept of transition is one of the main factors, which should be focused on that the change would beneficial for the overall working of the organization.

Article 3
Hussain, S.T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M.J., Hussain, S.H. and Ali, M., 2018. Kurt Lewin's change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), pp.123-127.

Change can be stated to be very much crucial for organisation in the process of high completion market, which is applicable in recent market situation. There are numerous theories, which can be applicable in the area of change management, which describes the effectiveness of modification of processes, structure of the organisation and strategy of working of an organization. The focus of the article would be applicable in the model of Lewin’s which focuses on the three-step process for the change in the organisation. In the model, there are general steps, which are to be followed, which can be noted to be one of the main factors, which can be linked to the area of change management resistance.

The main purpose, which is linked to the article illustrated in this change management assignment, is linked to the factor between the change and the model, this relation describes the way in which change management can be resisted which do not hamper the overall execution of the various working of an organization. The life of organization change and change management has parameters such as global and technological phase, which directly focus on the management of the process in a proper manner without any forms of the problem attached in the working area. Kurt Lewins’s model can be considered as an early fundamental model, which directly explains the forces of striving, which would be maintaining the status quo and pushing relating to the change. The process which is involved in the management of the changes area can be noted to be directly linked to the management of the internal organisational affairs which would be helping in the proper management of the change area in the organisational working context.

The Lewin’s model was generally used from a study, which can be termed as Ethnographic study, which assumed for the area of investigation of the change development, mediates implementation and initiative linked to the leadership affairs for complex working situations within an organization. Change in a working dimension can be stated to be very much enviable which would be directly involving proper planning which would be directly restricting the change management area. The focus in organizational activity should be proper utilization of the resources so that the proper of change management would be towards the positive side of the working area.

There are many theories, which can be applied in the working area, which are positive model, action research model and Lewin’s model in the theory of change management. Hence, in this context, it can be stated that the Lewin’s model is widely used due to the factor of removal of the complexity, which is seen in the other model. Relation with the change management area can be done very much properly in the model and which can be stated to be very much beneficial form the perspective of the organizational working. In working with the model, the managers should be directly focusing on the process of the change process, which is necessary for the working area of the organization.

Article 4
Issah, M., 2018. Change Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence. SAGE Open, 8(3), p.2158244018800910.

The focus point of the article in the change management assignment is linked to change management, which can be directly linked to the factor of change leadership. The style of leadership can be stated to be one of the integral parts, which can be linked to the factor of change management. The ever-changing pressure which is linked to the working of an organization can be stated to be one of the main focus points which can lead to the factor of change of leadership is order to manage resist to change.

Changes always involve some form of the emotional area due to the factor that people usually enjoy comfort. Hence, it can be stated that change management can affect the working orientation of the organization as well as the employee of the organization. Hence proper process management and proper infrastructure with the change management is very much crucial. Moreover, it can be stated here that when a change affects the area of assumption it can be stated that it can make the changes very much recipients to reluctant which would be accepting the proposed status. According to the author, it can be stated that it is very much common to observe the members of the organization becoming resistant as well as skeptical when they face any forms of changes in the context of daily activity in an organization. Organisational activity should be focused which would be helping in most of the problem which is linked to the change management.

In most of the cases, the factor of acceptance of change is very much crucial which can directly affect the factor of the orientation of working and the behavior of the employees. Hence, proper change orientation is very much necessary which would be directly helping to redirect the change as per the requirement of the organization and the employee. Central point, which can be stated in the context of change management, is the factor of leadership. In this context of change management assignment, it can be stated that if proper leadership planning were taken into consideration it would be directly affecting the factor of resistant to change. Moreover, in this context, it can be stated that leaders have to play an active role in the context, which would be directly affecting the success factor of the organization-working context.

As per the issues and changes which are faced form the end of the leaders it can be stated that proper management planning is very much crucial when it comes to resistant to change management. Moreover, it can be stated that employee should be playing an active role in the context of change management so that the change functions in an organization can be taken into consideration in a positive manner. Emotional intelligent leadership skills can be one of the factors, which should be included in most of the working area, which would be helping in resolving of the problem, which is linked to the context of change in management.

Article 5:
Hee, O.C. and Shanmugam, N., 2019. A Review of Human Resource Change Management Strategies in the Digital Era. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 9(3).

Human resource change management can one of the most crucial factors in the context of organizational working as seen in the context of the article within the change management assignment. As seen in most of the working conditions, that human resource management can take control of the overall working of an organization. Hence, it can be stated that if there are any forms of problem-related to the context it could directly affect the overall execution of the proper working of the organization. Therefore, the main planning context of human resource can be one of the main areas of focus in an organization.
As seen in the article it can be stated that change management can be directly be linked to the factor of human resource management and it is playing a very crucial role since ages. Proper management planning can directly help in the problem resolving area linked to the various problem of the human resource management area, which can affect the change management resistant area. The employee in the context is one of the most vital working parameters, which can be linked to the factor of human resource management, and any problem in the working context would be affecting the execution of the various acts of the employees. The business planning area is also plotted in the article, which can be stated to be one of the factors, which affect the change management concept.

The future activity of an organization can affect the change management area; it is due to the factor that there are various constraints, which can be linked to the future activity which can implement change in the working dimension of an organization. Process management and process utilization are two factors, which are equally important in the working area with change management. Controlling the risk factors in a proper change area can directly affect sustainability, which is linked to the working area, and it would be helping in the management of the working of the organization. More the engagement factor increase form the sector of the human resource more would be chances of mitigating the change management area problem, which is faced in most of the working relating to the organization. Processing of a plan, which would be the change management to accommodate in a proper manner, should be done which would be helping in the sustainability factor of the future of the organizational working.

At the end of the change management assignment, it can be stated that the human resource area plays a significant part in the change management area. Moreover, the organization has to play a very important role, which would be helping in the resolving of the issue factor in a proper manner and in a timely manner. In the future, it can be stated that change in the organizational working is very much evitable but one of the main factors, which should be stated here is how the change would be implemented and how it would be, accepted form the end of the employees.

Reference List
El-Taliawi, O.G., 2018. Resistance to Organizational Change. 2018. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.

Hee, O.C. and Shanmugam, N., 2019. A Review of Human Resource Change Management Strategies in the Digital Era. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 9(3).

Hussain, S.T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M.J., Hussain, S.H. and Ali, M., 2018. change management assignment Kurt Lewin's change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), pp.123-127.
Issah, M., 2018. Change Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence. SAGE Open, 8(3), p.2158244018800910.

Vlados, C., 2019. Change Management and Innovation in the living Organization': The Stra. Tech. Man Approach. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(2), pp.229-256.


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